Jeshua Hicks is a writer of many genres including science fiction, fantasy, and thriller

Jeshua Hicks Author

Jeshua Hicks

Thanksgiving was a more than welcome reprieve during his first semester of college. Between family gatherings, he managed to binge-read Dune, his first time reading the epic novel. It was a life changing experience offering new perspectives on so many aspects of life. He’d never seen characters like that before, and few since. So much self-control. So much discipline. That book was the catalyst for his current life direction, both in mindset and career.

Thanks to the lock-downs, chaos over the past few years, and his research of eastern philosophy/spirituality for his upcoming debut fantasy series, he’s taken up yoga and meditation. Maybe that will help quiet the screaming spirits haunting him at night. Oh, wait, I wasn’t supposed to write that part? Okay, I’ll cut it.

He’s lived in many places across North America as well as on a yacht in the South Pacific. While living in New Mexico (a U.S. state, in case you were wondering), surrounded by the 8 Northern Pueblos, he was immersed in the Native American culture of the region.

In the South Pacific, he was a guest at a traditional Fijian feast held by one of the tribes. Exposure to so many different cultures around the world made him realize that we’re all so much more alike than different. That realization lead him to do something many would argue against. He’s writing about cultures he isn’t form and about experiences he hasn’t had.

You know the old adage, write what you know? He doesn’t believe in that.

That’s not to say you shouldn’t learn about what you’ll be writing. He’s spent hundreds of hours researching Chinese and South American culture and history for his upcoming series. But knowing before deciding to write about it is an easy way to never expand your horizons. In his opinion, at least.

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