Keep updated with the latest news and other shenanigans…

Welcome to the newsletter signup page. Here, you can do what that indicates. But why, you may ask, should you do that? Well, there are a few reasons.

  • One: You will be alerted whenever I upload a new blog-post so you won’t miss whatever I’m talking about next. There aren’t any guarantees but I hope to post once or twice a week. Let’s see if that happens. You will also be alerted when new project blurbs and info become available.
  • Two: you will be given exclusive access to free writing samples from my projects. You won’t even have to download anything, though a word document will be available. Just click the link provided in the email and you will be given access to a private page on the website.
  • Finally: The most exciting part, you’ll be alerted when my book is available for purchase! You will receive a promotional email that will give you a few more details about the project and an Amazon link to the purchase page.

Essentially, you’re subscribing to my major stuff.

You can also follow me on social media, links down below.

Have a wonderful day and I hope to see you on the newsletter!

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