Don’t you just love to get sucked into a good story? Maybe its the characters who feel like real people living complex and difficult lives. Maybe its the plot, with all the intrigue and impactful events. Maybe it’s the setting, a parallel world that feels like its alive. Maybe it’s all of the above.
I personally like the characters we wouldn’t really want in our real lives. The ones you’d steer clear from, if you knew what they were really like. Characters like Tyrion Lannister (Yes, book Tyrion is a villain) or Sand Dan Glokta.
Lisbeth Salander is also a great example. She’s a hard person to get along with. Even so, the reader can’t help but like her.
But what got me past just reading and actually writing stories myself was Dune. Paul, Jessica, and of course the Barron, Vladimir Harkonnen. These were complex, compelling characters with a certain air of advancement. They’re not really people anymore. They’re the next step, almost totally in control of their faculties.
Once I get back to my sci-fi epic, I’ll explore what I think the future holds. But first, I have some dark fantasy to finish.
See you in the jungle soon. Be sure to watch the water. Those eyes peaking up out of the murk aren’t just predatory, but intelligent.